Can zombies get any gorier, or any funnier? Not with "Zombieland," that's for sure.
I didn't enjoy this movie trying for bloody laughs and not really getting anywhere with it. Nor did I like the movie trying for good characters, though distinctive, weren't very interesting, and I didn't like these guys and gals interacting when it was supposed to be sentimental and it really wasn't.
And Bill Murray? Well, lets just throw him in there for some good old laughs and some throwaway gags involving "Ghostbusters." Possibly the worst part of the whole movie's eighty minute running time.
And what about the zombies? For a movie that's meant to be about zombies, killing zombies and laughing our heads off when it all makes a gory mess, there wasn't much of really any zombies, or zombie killing. Sure, there's a nice ending killin' at a theme park, but that's about it.
So what do we get more of? Characters or zombies? I say neither.
This is the first time I disagreed with a mass positive reception of a movie, both from audiences and critics. I honestly couldn't see what got them. Maybe it was Bill Murray.
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